Friday, July 27, 2012

WASTE MANAGEMENT - Why applying the 3Rs hierarchy is important?

The 3Rs hierarchy is used to reduce the amount of discarded waste.
Reduce has to be promoted, then Reuse and finally Recycling. 3Rs is a smart principle but we have difficulty to apply it.
Companies dealing with end-of-life electronic equipment are focused mainly on recycling. Reduce and Reuse are 2 principles to apply before Recycling.

In the USA or in developed countries, items are discarded because they are no more fashionable or not enough powerful to play to the last Call of Duty… In most cases, they are still totally reusable and are fully functioning.

Fact 1.
The reuse market is too small in the USA, for this reason exports towards countries with low purchasing power is an environmentally-friendly possibility. Reuse and Repair increase the lifespan of the equipment.

Fact 2.
Second hand equipment is more affordable than brand new equipment. People can afford to buy computer, this helps to reduce the digital divide [3,4, 5 and 6].

Fact 3.
Recycling instead of mining as electronic waste contains precious metal [2, 7 and 8].


Fact 4.
Recycling and Reuse create jobs. [3,4,5 and 9].
Informal recycling and reuse sector is active. “Active informal recycling sector collect as much as 80-90% of their locally-generated e-waste” [1].

Despite these 4 facts electronic waste management is not yet perfect and need to be improved.

Fact 5.
Some practices need to be improved in developing countries, electronic waste cannot be disposed in inappropriate landfills or burned in the open-air. [4 and 10].
“Some 50% of the gold in e-waste is lost in crude dismantling processes in developing countries (compared with 25% in developed countries); just 25% of what remains is recovered using backyard recycling processes (compared with 95% at a modern high-tech recycling facility).” [1].
Bad practices have negative impacts on the environment.

Electronic waste management need an holistic approach. Applying the 3Rs hierarchy; Reduce, Reuse and Recycling in an holistic approach and respectful of the environment.

References :
[1] United Nations University : (about ″E-waste challenge : Reuse practices, principles and standards″)

[2] United Nations University : (about ″E-waste: Annual Gold, Silver “Deposits” in New High-Tech Goods Worth $21 Billion+; Less Than 15% Recovered″)

[3] Miller, Gregory, Duan and Kirchain (2012) Characterizing Transboundary Flows of Used Electronics: Summary Report. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 102p.

[4] Babbitt, Williams and Kahhat (2011) Institutional Disposition and Management of End-of-Life Electronics. Environmental Science & Technology 45, 5366–5372

[5] EPA, White House Council on Environmental Quality and General Services Administration (2011) National strategy for electronics stewardship. 34p.

[6] Varin and Roinat (2008) The entrepreneur’s guide to computer recycling Volume 1 Basics for starting up a computer recycling business in emerging markets. TIC ETHIC, 93 p.

[7] USGS (2001) Obsolete Computers, “Gold Mine” or High-Tech Trash? Resource Recovery from Recycling, 4p.

[8] Hangekülen (2011) Recycling of technology metals: opportunities and challenges. Umicore Hanau, 28p.

[9] Convention de Bâle (2012) Where are WEEE in Africa? 4p.

[10] (about ″E-waste, Egypt and the Digital Divide″)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Fair Trade Recycling Summit?

WR3A would like to organize an international Summit, very probably at Middlebury, Vermont.

Goals are :
  • Increase/ make easier transparency of Electronic Waste
  • Create synergies / a powerful international network

The timetable will be dedicated to :
  • Guests introduction
  • Tour of the recycling facility ; Good Point Recycling
  • Introduction of Fair Trade Recycling principles
  • What happens after the Pan African Forum on E-waste at Nairobi (Kenya)?
  • Introduction of new papers
  • New projects 

This summit is open to everyone, 

You are interested or you have questions? Please contact me on :

You can also submitted your invitation on the following survey /s/ZR2FGFR

Sommet international sur la valorisation des déchets électroniques

WR3A organise un sommet international très probablement à Middlebury, dans le Vermont.

Les objectifs sont :
  • Augmenter/faciliter la transparence concernant les D3E
  • Créer des synergies / un réseau solide international

Ce rassemblement de plusieurs jours aura comme temps forts :
  • La présentation des invités
  • La visite de l'entreprise Good Point Recycling
  • La présentation du commerce équitable concernant les déchets électroniques
  • Le retour sur la conférence sur les déchets électroniques de Nairobi (Kenya)
  • La présentation de nouveaux rapports
  • La mise en place de projets 

Ce sommet est ouvert à tous, 

Si vous êtes intéressés ou avez des questions n'hésitez pas à me contacter,

Vous pouvez également vous inscrire sur

Friday, July 6, 2012

Présentation des employés de Good Point Recycling

Good Point Recycling est une entreprise du Vermont. Elle favorise le recyclage et la réutilisation. Permettez-moi de vous présenter l'entreprise à travers certains de ses employés.
    * Christina * Colin * Crystal * David * John * José * Mike * Patrick * Pete * Philippe * Robin * Ryan * Zack

    Christina est en charge des ventes sur eBay. Dans l'entrepôt de Good Point, elle déniche des déchets à forte valeur ajoutée. Elle les vend en ligne sur le compte eBay de Good Point avec des descriptions détaillées. Elle répond aux appels des clients d'eBay. Les ventes sur eBay correspondent  à une petite quantité de déchets mais sont très rentables. De plus, cela promeut la réutilisation.

    Colin a étudié à Middlebury College. Il gère les bases de données de l'entreprise et est en relation avec les acheteurs de résidus, destinés au recyclage. Il travaille à Good Point depuis quelques années et s'est rendu indispensable. Il est dynamique et à l'écoute des employés. Colin a également de magnifiques vaches écossaises!

    Crystal est un des chauffeurs de Good Point. Elle est dynamique et a toujours le sourire Elle parcourt le Vermont et collecte des déchets électroniques des déchetteries et des entreprises.
    Crystal est également en charge de la gestion des piles électriques. Ces dernières doivent être traitées avec soin pour éviter les risques d'accident.

    David est le dernier stagiaire de GPR. Il met au point une base de données pour faciliter la gestion des entrées et sorties de matériel à GPR.

    John est le ''geek'' de Good Point. Il gère les ventes des déchets électroniques destinés à la réutilisation. Ses compétences en informatique le rendent indispensable.

    Selon moi, José est le meilleur employé de Good Point. Il est en charge du tri et du démontage des écrans plats. Il est très soigneux et effectue donc un travail de haute qualité.

    Mike travaille à Good Point depuis quelques mois. Il occupe différents postes, ce qu'il préfère est tester si les unités centrales fonctionnent.

    Patrick fait fonctionner la presse à balles ce qui demande de la force. Les résidus mis en balle sont le plastique, l'aluminium et les circuits imprimés de faible valeur.
    Pete travaille à Good Point depuis de nombreuses années. Il est en quelques sorte le responsable de l'entrepôt. Il gère les entrées et sorties de matériaux et est en contact avec les clients. Pete est également chauffeur.
    Philippe est en charge de tester les ordinateurs et les disques durs, soit des équipements à forte valeur ajoutée. Tester si les ordinateurs et les disques durs fonctionnent demande des connaissances informatiques.
    Robin est le fondateur et gestionnaire de Good Point Recycling. La valorisation des déchets est sa passion, il s'implique donc corps et âme dans son entreprise.

    Ryan est un nouvel employé de GPR, il fait parti des conducteurs de chariot élevateur. Il est polyvant et travaille donc à différent poste au sein de Good Point Recycling. 

    Zack est le principal conducteur de chariot élevateur. Il connaît parfaitement l'entreprise et travaille pendant de longue journée, il fait parti des employés indispensables au fonctionnement de GPR.

    Bienvenue à Good Point Recycling!

    Resourceful people - pionniers on E-waste promotion

    WR3A promotes E-waste Fair Trade Recycling and tries to develop a Fair Trade between ''E-waste'' exporters and importers. The main goal of WR3A is to respect people, the Environment and also reducing the digital bridge between the ''South'' and the ''North''.
    WR3A has dynamic members and partners. Fair Trade respects People.
    This article presents some actors of Fair Trade Recycling from everywhere.

    Let me present them to you : 
    • Christina - Vermont
    • Fung - Malaysia 
    • John -  Vermont 
    • Jinex - Peru 
    • Robin - Vermont
    • Fahiri - Burkina Faso
    Christina - Vermont
    Name : Christina Richmond 

    Professional life : Christina  works at Good Point Recycling since few months. She is doing eBay's sales of vintage and rare products, processors containing gold... which are from the warehouse. Thanks to Christina, E-waste have a second life

    For example, how to sell an  audio amplifier on eBay:
    • Dust removal
    • Pictures of the article : many and different views to show the exact condition of it
    • A complete description on eBay : good condition, scratched...
    The description is rigorous to be the most honest as possible with the potentiel buyer. GPR promises 14 days money back if the buyer is not satisfied, however 99.6% comments are positive on eBay.
    The ability of Christina is appreciated : she is autonomous, has adapted herself quickly and has improved sales...  Her best sale is above $2 000, not too bad for an E-waste, isn'it?

    What do you like in your job?
    Christina's reasons are numerous and diversified, first she likes her collegues. Her work is every day different, so very interesting. Moreover, she can work at her pulse so without pressure.
    Fung - Malaysia
    Name : Ow Young Su Fung

    Professionnal life : Fung is Net Peripheral's managing director, a malaysian company which refurbished used computer. This corporation import legally from USA. They have ISO 14001 certification since 2009 and R2 audit. By the past, they passed ISO 9000 but do not renew it because it is too expensive. 
    In the past 4 years, Net Peripheral has received 300 000 CRT monitors. They are classified by size, cosmetic outlook case and quality before proceeding refurbishment. The 30 employees of  Net Peripheral are working as surgeon, they are repairing or substituting defective parts. Refurbished monitors are exported with warranty.
    Monitors which are not refurbished are demanufactured and some pieces are reusable or recyclable, some other not.
    Two wastes can be harmful for the environment when they are not carefully managed : CRT glass and printed circuit. CRT glass is strictly regulated by the environment's department in Malaysia and have to be recycled by an authorized recycler. CRTs are recycled in a smelter hold by Samsung Corning. Printed circuit are sold to a company which is recognized by the malaysian environment's department too. Authorized recyclers need to obtain a valid permit from the Malaysian Department Of Environment.

    Employees number : 30

    Activism : Fung is active for the development of her community. Allen and her gave working computers to an amblyopia school to develop a cyber cafe. This project is trying to rise funds to be succesful.

    Moreover, in Cambodgia (in Kuala Lumpur) a church has opened a computer learning center to teach to children how to use computers. Fung and Allen gave working PCs. Volunteers are helping children to use them.

    If you want to read about : The magazine Recycling International presents the company where is working Fung, ''refur-bished and repaired in a warehouse operation that meets strict ISO 14 001 standards, and then are shipped out to customers in the developing world who can’t afford to buy new. The only abuse around here might be the Britney Spears playing on a radio.''
    John - Vermont
    Name : John Fontanilles

    Professionnal life : John is the tech of Good Point Recycling, his computer skills make him essential. In the same time, he is in charge of many employees, ''digs out'' valuable materials to sale it on eBay and answers to customers which are very exacting.
    John is probably the person who add the most important value to E-wastes :
    • ''Dig out'' the electronic equipment which are scarce or very valuable
    • Train employees to recognize the valuable equipments/E-waste
    • Do the maintenance and install computers, printers... 
    • Etc.

    Activism : USA are famous to have big SUV which are pollutants, John is coming to work every day by bicycle so more than 25 miles per day and it is hilly!

    What do you like in your job?
    John has responsibility at GPR. His work is various and rewarding.
    Jinex - Peru
    Name : Jinex Midevil

    Professionnal life : Jinex has a TVs repair and sale shop. She bought second hand TVs from recycler which sale to her good equipments. She imports from USA and more and more from China. She sales second hand TVs and brand news to answer the will of her customers. She is adapting her business to the economy, as the Peru's standard of living is rising, she is saling products of higher qualities and newer.

    Employees number : 6 employees which are complementary : techs, painters and salers. 

    What do you like in your job?
    Thanks to her business, Jinex meets recyclers and create a professional network. She likes her work, she would like to evolve towards international business.
    Robin -Vermont
    Name : Robin Ingenthron

    Professionnal life : Robin followed her wife, Armelle, in Vermont and started his own business Good Point Recycling (GPR). He is also the WR3A's president.

    Employees number : about 30 at Good Point Recycling

    Activism : Robin update his blog  blog Good Point Ideas, which has 756 different articles on my count! Robin is very active in the promotion of Fair Trade Recycling. He likes given conferences and explaining his ideas. With her family, Armelle and 3 kids, they are open-minded and warm, they accommodate people : from the political exile to poor people.

    What do you like in your job?
    Robin develops his ideas by his business, more reuse and recycling leads to less mining. Mining is a very polluting activity which is moderate by the reuse and recycling.
    Moreover, according to Robin exporting second hand products of good quality allows to :
    • Reducing the digital bridge between the ''North'' and the ''South''
    • Create jobs
    • Develop a local economy
    Fahiri – Burkina Faso et Canada
    First name given by his dad : Fahiri
    Exercice name (Burkina Faso) : Maître Fahiri Somda.

    Study : Fahiri is currently a student at Montreal on Canada, his goal is to obtain the equivalent of his diploma from Burkina Faso. He has a degree in Law and a diploma from the ''Magistrature française'' (6 years after high school).

    Professionnal life :
    Fahiri worked 11 years and 13 days in the ''Magistrature'' at  Burkina Faso, until 1996 where he resigned.

    What do you like in your job?
    Fahiri likes activity and hates injustice, for this reason he chosen to study law and be involved in politic. He likes e-waste, Robin Ingenthron gave him his passion. In fact, Fahiri has been an intern at Good Point Recycling in Vermont, where he published some articles.

    Monday, July 2, 2012

    Positions at Good Point Recycling...

    Good Point Recycling (GPR) is a Vermont corporation which promote Electronic Waste Reuse & Recycling. We are currently offering position for students : paid and not-paid internship.

    If you are interested about it, the following article is about what are doing the GPR's altern and current interns. You can have ideas of what you can do at Good Point Recycling...

    Interns from GPR are / were :
    • Brenda
    • Fahiri
    • Jay
    • Oscar
    • Me

    Brenda - Netherlands - 2009/2010

    Fluent in Spanish, English, Dutch, French and German (Very impressive :) )

    Fahiri - Burkina Faso - 2010

    Fahiri has been an intern at Good Point Recycling, he used to work on the warehouse.
    Currently, he is studying law at Montreal.He will maybe become an attorney specialized in E-waste or create his own businees in E-waste...

    Jay - USA - 2006

    Motivation for doing an internship
    Jay did a 4 months internship at Good Point Recycling in 2006 because he was interested in the environment and technology and also how Robin (owner of Good Point Recycling and director of WR3A)  and his team were building a business based on sustainability. ''What started as a curiosity about recycling turned into a pivotal experience for me and one that continues to influence my life as a board member of WR3A.''
    ''For the college, Good Point serves as an incredible training ground for students interested in social enterprise, entrepreneurship and recycling.''

    During his internship Jay learned about all aspects of the business, from de-manufacturing computers and inspecting and shipping monitors, to travelling to Mexico to interview and hire a foreman for the new plant and investigate international trade laws pertaining to the import and export of electronics for the new facility.
    Moreover, this internship permit to Jay to discover another side of Middlebury, beyond the walls of the College.
    ''Good Point's international work is a powerful example of the ability to scale local learnings to have a global impact. Not only has Good Point moved the needle of the conversation around e-waste recycling in Vermont and the US, but the same passion and rationale that has brought about change locally is being applied by Robin and others to improve and inform the international dialogue on fair trade recycling. ''

    Jay is still a board member of WR3A. He has worked for Google since 2007 and currently serves as the Secretary of the Google Foundation.
    Oscar - USA

    Oscar - Mexico - 2007

    Experiences during his internship
    Oscar did an internship at Good Point Recycling during the summer 2007.He was sorting the electronic waste : Reuse or Recycling. He found this first experience with electronics recycling very interesting and learnt a lot. Later in 2008, he was back at Good Point Recycling and ''got trained further in all aspects of electronics recycling''. He was sorting, doing translation and was also assistant and a management consultant throughout the different departments of the company. He is part of the Mexican project : he trained Lydia and Don Chuco... The Mexican project is a business in Mexico which sort out and demanufacture E-waste, this is a woman cooperative. Oscar was finally the Tech Department's asset manager ''a role in which I was in charge of the Ebay sales and also supervised the technician, Jason''.

    Oscar is working for Retroworks Inc. '' mainly to open up the market for us to expand over there and get some new contracts''. And doing a lot of other things such as maintaining the relationship with WorldCare, working in the warehouse, helped with one day events and also helped with the eBay sales.

    Member of WR3A : believe in sustainable business - believe in Fair Trade Recycling - meet great people

    Adélaïde - France - 2012
    My internship with WR3A will validate my master degree on Environmental Management & Major on Waste Management & Soil Remediation.
    I really like my internship because my tasks are numerous and varied : translation, research, demanufacture, pc testing, communication about e-waste for students and much more...
    I also have a lot of contacts from WR3A which helps me to improve my professional network.

    Friday, June 8, 2012

    E-waste collection at Dorset (Vermont)

    Dorset is a small Vermont's city, every year Good Point Recycling is involved in a found rising for the school and collect electronic waste from household.

    On the 19th of May 2012, from 6.00 A.M, Zack, Ryan, Patrick, Pete and me were on the road with two trucks to collect as much e-waste as possible.
    During few hours, with help from volunteers we have collected old TVs, PC's Units, vacuums... and also an electric scooter and two Ipods!

     This type of event lets people to have a free collection of their e-waste and also close to their house. Moreover, during the collection we can discuss with people and answer to them questions. People are so aware on Reuse and Recycling.

    We collected more 12 000 pounds of waste so more than 5 500 kg! Not too bad!!!

    Collecte de déchets électroniques à Dorset (Vermont)

    Dorset est une petite ville du Vermont, où chaque année Good Point Recycling participe à la collecte des déchets électroniques des particuliers.

    Le 19 mai 2012, dès 6h du matin, Zack, Ryan, Patrick, Pete et moi étions donc en route vers Dorset avec deux camions pour collecter le maximum d'e-déchets.
    Pendant plusieurs heures avec l'aide de bénévoles nous avons collectés des vieilles télévisions, des unités centrales, des aspirateurs... Et également une trotinette électrique et deux Ipod!

    Ces collectes permettent aux particuliers d'apporter gratuitement leurs e-déchets près de chez eux. De plus, lors de ces évènements nous pouvons répondre aux questions des particuliers et expliquer comment fonctionne Good Point Recycling. Les particuliers sont alors sensibilisés sur l'importance de la réutilisation et du recyclage.

    Nous avons collectés plus de 12 000 livres de déchets soit plus de 5 500 Kg!

    Monday, May 21, 2012

    Recyclage VS Réutilisation

    Un déchet électronique contient différents résidus contrairement au papier qui n'est que papier ou le verre du bouteille de vin... Un déchet électronique est composé de différents types de plastique, de différents métaux, de métaux et de plastique mélangés... Le tableau 1 est un petit aperçu.

    Tableau 1. Composition hétérogène des déchets électroniques.
    Cette composition complique le recyclage. Recycler les déchets électroniques demande un démontage manuel, un tri mécanique ou un mélange des deux.
    Le titre de cet article est Recyclage VS Réutilisation, ces 2 notions ne sont pas incompatibles mais bel et bien complémentaires. L’utilisation d’un équipement électronique ou électroménager doit être optimisé pour finalement être recyclé.
    La réutilisation et le recyclage peuvent être mal vus par le public. Dans la plupart des cas, cela est dû à un manque d’information ou de transparence de ces activités.  Certains exportateurs n'ont également pas respecté et ne respectent pas la Convention de Bâle, et exportent de la camelote qui ne sera pas valorisée et finira dans des décharges sauvages… Ces exportateurs ne sont pas nombreux mais ils salissent l’image du recyclage et de la réutilisation des pays dit ''en développement''.
    REUTILISATION est une notion à encourager sous certaines conditions qui respectent : l’environnement, les populations locales et l’importateur. Ce que Fair Trade Recycling appelle le recyclage éthique de l’électronique.
    RECYCLAGE est la notion qui suit la réutilisation. Le recyclage est vertueux de l’environnement car il diminue le recours aux matières premières qui sont substituées par des matières secondaires. Cependant, le recyclage doit s’effectuer sous certaines conditions :
    • l’or des processeurs doit être récupéré dans des fonderies de pointe
    • le plastique ne doit pas être brûlé mais recyclé dans des entreprises adaptés
    • les tubes cathodiques ne doivent pas être mis en décharge sous prétexte que le recyclage est onéreux, ils doivent être recyclés dans des fonderies adaptées 
    • pour plus d'informations cliquez sur ce lien
    Finalement, le recyclage est une activité respectueuse lorsqu’elle est effectuée dans les règles de l’art. Si vous n’êtes pas sûr des pratiques de votre recycleur demandez-lui ce qu’il fait de vos déchets… Quels sont ses certifications… Qui sont ses clients… Pouvez-vous visiter l’entreprise…